Every Echo

Every Echo is a band of East Coast musicians whose emotional indie folk sound feels reminiscent of a bygone analog era while sounding right at home on modern radio. Taylor Carson, Ethan Mentzer, Todd Wright, and Emma Rowley are four independent artists who created Every Echo to reach musical territory unexplored in their solo careers. Their debut album was written, recorded and mixed in Hamilton, VA and Philadelphia, PA. It is rhythmic and driving at times, sublime and spacious at others — a soundtrack that transports you to a night under the stars in the middle of a beautiful nowhere. Every Echo lyrics give moments of hope, connection and a way forward through troubled times, interpreted by the evocative contrast and blend of Rowley’s pristine ghost-of-a-seventies-folk-singer soprano with Carson’s soulful road-worn rasp. Their music is anchored by “the real thing” instead of the digitally recreated software instruments found in many current recordings. “We love our old guitars, real drums, weird half-broken pawnshop instruments and clapping our own hands and ... [ more ]



Every Echo

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