Cain Culto

‘Collectively, I felt we needed a theme song for the crazy moon people’ says Cain Culto of his latest single BLAME THE MOON - a maelstrom of global percussion, warped choir samples, and Culto’s falsetto croon. Pulled along by propulsive rhythms, ‘BLAME THE MOON’ has a playful darkness to it, a twisted carnival mood that serves as a homage to the Hindu goddess (and demon slayer) ‘Kali’. An irreverent and unpredictable pop gem, it fits alongside Culto’s previous releases perfectly - embracing a little chaos, delivering great hooks, and blending themes of pop culture, astrology and spirituality in a way only he can. The song is a response to the mystical force of the moon’s phases - Culto says ‘I’d noticed in myself how the lunar cycles affect my emotions and I’d hear so many stories from friends reacting irrationally during a full moon.’ So, this one’s one for the werewolves, witches, and all those under the influence of a full moon.
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