MNWS (pronounced “minnows”) is a new musical duo whose name belies the massive sound in their door-busting self-titled debut EP. MNWS is dance trap music infused with the epic and cinematic sound design commonly found in trailer music—an explosive genre combo that remains surprisingly unexplored. Orchestral strings, synth pads, haunting chorus vocals, driving percussion and sweeping grand piano melodies interlaced with early UK-dubstep and bass music grooves is something you didn’t know you needed in your life until now. The musical team of Nathan Whitehead and Steven Mudd is something to be admired - the former’s major motion picture, television & video game background (Transformers, The Purge, Days Gone) perfectly combining with the pop production chops of the latter. The talented producers discovered new creative freedoms with MNWS as they swapped tracks between their respective studios, pushing each other into new creative territory. It culminates in a soundscape that makes you wonder if you should be listening to the music in a majestic royal theatre or ... [ more ]




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